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Pissed off

CrookedBean13 May 4, 2021 8:45 am

What was the author thinking making characters like this. The MC just suck up everything. I know he has trauma and inferiority complex. But bruhhhhhh seriously after all that you have been through having a psych counselling and people supporting you. Why you clinging in that piece of shit. Waiting for him.. MYGHAD. I'm really pissed off. Why you wait for that blind fucker. 50 chapters all abused and still havent realize any shit. Stand up for yourself. If they will get together at the end because that yansheng was just confusing him to that lou shan. Man this ending will just suck. After all the abuse physically and emotionally if the MC will forgive that yansheng and have a happy ending with him. Fuck the author is delusional romanticizing that abuse can be done because you hate a person. Anyway if that is not the ending and he will have a happy ending with someone else then thank god.

    DDSPP May 4, 2021 8:55 am

    Well he fell in love jn his teen years up til his late i wanna say 30s then he gor married to his love and all the people who loves him also want them to stay together like his mother in law plus can he really get a rise out of that man when he abuse him like its sunday. Its not really easy to quit a relationship that put all your life too