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freya May 4, 2021 10:06 am

there was a bl manga that i read a long time ago, and i feel like reading it again. i don't remember its name, but i do remember a lot about it. please help me find it. here's the information ~

• its a short and cute highschool bl manga.
• the mc was in the student council and had a crush on the council president, though the president already has a boyfriend. (it was actually more like admiration/hero-worship on the mc's part)
• somehow the mc ended up in a deal with the president's cousin (i don't remember the reason), where the cousin would give him the president's pictures.
• the president's cousin end's up falling for the mc.
• they both end up together, of course.

• there's also this one page from the manga that has been used by a scanlation group (whom i can't remember). its description: the mc is walking and he seems a bit mad at the president's cousin. the cousin says, "i will do anything" and the mc looks back and says, "anything ?
