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Reposting bc no one repliedㅠㅠ

zeroo May 5, 2021 5:33 pm

guys y'all rem that one age gap yaoi where the two have been in love for a long time and now live together, the younger (top) is still a college(?) student tho n lives in the other guy, who is working, apartment. The younger guy was the one who fell in love when he saw the other guy at a park and that's how they started dating however they haven't done the deed yet and the older guy forbirds him from entering the room(?) Ishhh oh Lord I'm so bad at explaining but if this rings a bell then pls help a sister in need.

    Bassam May 5, 2021 5:34 pm

    This reminds me of sayanora alpha but I'm not 100% sure

    Bassam May 5, 2021 5:35 pm
    Ambrosia May 5, 2021 6:03 pm

    Is it Young Bad Education? and the sequel Young Good Boyfriend

    zeroo May 6, 2021 7:21 am
    I meant sayonara alpha Bassam

    not this one but thanks so much

    zeroo May 6, 2021 7:23 am
    Is it Young Bad Education? and the sequel Young Good Boyfriend Ambrosia

    Not this but thanks i havent read this one so, another addition to my to read