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some would think otherwise but--

ensorcelled. May 6, 2021 3:47 pm

i really enjoy more "mundane" or "realistic" stories like this one. a plot with not much devices to stress you out or for complexity's sake (not that anything's wrong with that) just two people meeting in a way, that may be unusual for some but definitely happens to a few of us, and then you just watch them grow together and witness their relationship mature along the way. i love everything about this. definitely will re-read

    YvonMarie May 26, 2021 3:43 pm

    Exactly. I really love those kinds of stories, less stress and little drama. Makes it feel like a breather from time to time. Ah, also I recommend Labradorescence. It's really nice.

    ensorcelled. May 27, 2021 12:45 am
    Exactly. I really love those kinds of stories, less stress and little drama. Makes it feel like a breather from time to time. Ah, also I recommend Labradorescence. It's really nice. YvonMarie

    yess~ there's definitely charm in more dramatic and intense plot stories but pieces that are pure slice of life and just witnessing the characters grow together are certainly must reads as well. haven't read that yet so i'll definitely check it out~ thank you