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Anyone know this manhwa?

Gh0stG1rl May 6, 2021 6:57 pm

It's bl. The setting is kinda during apocalypse. Everyone is divided by two groups (can't remember the name but it's like one group is the supplier and the other one is receiver). The 'supplier' has ability. The supplier and receiver is connected. If the receiver die, the supplier may become crazy

The mc has ability of emitting smell of grass which is soothing to his partner.

He hides the fact that his ability is emitting grass smell because he doesn't want to be ridiculed. B but the ability is very helpful during the apocalypse.

Before mc met his partner. He lives in a place like the school. One day, when his teacher? told him to go outside and look for his partner because he's nearby, he went outside for the first time.

His partner is like a soldier. The first time they met, I think he was with some zombies? or something. And at first he did not trust mc. But the they work together after that.

If I was not mistaken, they find an institution. (Can't remember).

Anyway. Please help me find it.

Thank you
