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notyouraveragegirl May 6, 2021 11:26 pm text in a month is okay with everyone? I have been contacted more by guys I wasn't going out with, so if a guy did that I was seeing, I don't know that might be a deal breaker for me! lol I get that he did warn her about this, but shame on him. I really do like him, but this behavior is just cruel.

I didn't like that last look from SL, but I think it was just to mess with our heads.

    FredFriendly May 7, 2021 11:30 am

    If I were her, I would consider this ghosting.

    That last look on 3rd wheel's face is typical of a very jealous, sexual predator man who has determined to take someone else's woman by any means possible. This is such a clichéd storytelling development that is used by authors to stir NTR-like rage in the audience. A prime example of this is the series "Boku no Ie ni oide Wedding" which has a essentially identical plot line.

    iamb May 8, 2021 2:56 am

    agree completely.. It would only take 5 seconds at night to say 'I am thinking of you.. can't wait to see you'. This kind of 'trust me' is just saying I will make you suffer but you have to take it to prove you love me. :/

    xoxo4000 May 10, 2021 5:46 am

    Totally agree with you!! No matter the reason, you can't just leave your loved one like that without any explanation and expecting them to understand when you're not even letting them understand cuz you didn't explain anything!!!#-.-)