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It's so improbable that Karmela would just suddenly change her personality in one click. ...

ren May 7, 2021 8:33 am

It's so improbable that Karmela would just suddenly change her personality in one click. She's done something despicable to the point that she'll kill the baby in her womb just to destroy Kellie and Leandros marriage. I pity Frato. Karmela's real self will rear its ugly head at some point in the future , because, to be honest, that's how her brain is wired.

    SayerSong June 19, 2021 5:45 pm

    SO TRUE!!!! Karmela is a psychopath. Plain and simple. She is and always will be a danger to anyone that she sets her eyes on, should they upset or disappoint her in ANY way. She can mimic emotions, but I don't believe she knows how to truly FEEL emotions for ANYONE but herself. Frato deserved SO MUCH BETTER.