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crystalskyes May 10, 2016 6:58 pm

Immediately After chapter 36, is lemon theatre 03. I am going to skip it because it is not important to the main plot.
Below is the spoilers for Chapter 37 ONLY
As grateful as I am to 3829's work, she sometimes misses out a bit of the original Chinese translation's meaning. My translation is a slightly more accurate at times but I am not the one making it into a nicely edited chapter like she is.
Bracketed words () are added by myself because the sentence structure of Chinese is different so it doesn't sound grammatically correct when directly translated, so I add them myself.
The spoilers are below.

1pg - The father says "Those 2 children, MQ and MJ, I have never once considered them as my children.
2pg - The mom stays silent forawhile. She says "That time was indeed for my sake." then she says "I really regret adopting MQ and MJ that time."
3pg - She says "If I didnt adopt them that time, then they wouldnt have had to experience something so scary."
"Cheng Xi (referring to the father), until when are you going to apologize to them for what you did?"
the father replies "why are you bringing up this matter again?"
"That time, they were still young, they wouldnt be able to remember it clearly!"
"Look at MJ! Once he has a fever, he would forget everything, isn't it?"
4pg - the mom replies "That's because MJ is the one who got deeply hurt by that incident."
"One day.... that child will surely remember the intentionally suppressed memory."

The scene changes to ML and MJ at home preparing for moving out of the house.
5pg - ML enters the room as MJ is deep in thought and says "The takeout food has arrived." MJ says "STOP!Give me 5 minutes."
6 pg - MJ "I am trying to recall a very important incident." "Why do I not have even the slightest impression (of said experience)?"
"Even if I did have amnesia the whole thing, I should at least have a distant recollection of it!"
ML says "amnesia?"
MJ says "Ming Lan? Did I tell you before?"
MJ says "That thing that happened to me, just like it does in the movies? "

7pg - ML says "like amnesia?"
MJ says "Correct!"
"My family tells me that when I was 7 years old, I had a really high fever for several days, (I was) unconscious and didnt wake up."
"Then, with great difficulty, the fever subsided, but afterwards, I forgot a lot of things that happened in the past when I woke up."
MJ shows ML the photo album of the real Ming Lan and says
"Like these photos of ML when she was 1 plus year old. This is still my first time seeing this."

8pg - ML stares at the old photos of the real Ming Lan and says
" you know how the real Ming Lan went missing?"
MJ scratches his head and says "...""I heard that she got into a car accident when she was 2 years old."
MJ says "When it happened, only mom was there." ML says "..."

9pg - MJ says "The driver managed to run away, till now he/she hasnt been caught yet."
ML says nothing.
MJ says "However, there is still something that doesnt feel right."
"Seeing these photos gives me a certain feeling...."

10 pg - MJ says "I have a very strong impression of the birth of ML. But seeing those photos of her before the car accident, I dont have the slightest impression/recollection of them at all. As if I never experienced her being around before."
"Not to mention, it is strange that I cannot find a single photo of me and MQ in this after flipping through this entire photo album. Not even a collage or a shadow."

11 pg - ML says "Your photo album is here." MJ says "Eh?! Where did you find it?"
ML says "That side, the whole stack is your photos."
MJ says "....oh okay, so all along there was THAT much, huh...."
MJ "I remember this! This was when the whole family celebrated my 5th birthday."
"Ah, that album that you are holding has the photos of when we moved to this new house (back then)"

12 pg - MJ says ...." "The photos that I am talking about to are not these ones."
"I just find it strange why are there no photos of when me and brother MQ were born."
"Generally like monthly photos, every family would have a few right?"
"Like for ML, there are many...."

13 pg - "But why all of these albums - "
"-dont have any of me and my older brother's birth photos? "

14 pg - The scene changes to the hospital where the father and Nancy (the mom) are talking.
"Even if MJ does remember all of what happened, so what?"
"It is own life that has so many unfortunate things happen to him. He still thinks himself as if he is our blood related son."
"If we didnt adopt him back then, his birth defected body would surely have died in the hospital a long time ago."
The mom says "... I knew that you would do this kind of thing."

15 pg - The mom gets up and pull the father by the collar and says
"If you DARE send those children back to the orphanage for a 2nd time - "
"- you would have to first step over my dead body to do it!"

    crystalskyes May 15, 2016 11:47 am

    I made a minor typo for page 6
    6 pg - MJ "I am trying to recall a very important incident." "Why do I not have even the slightest impression (of said experience)?"
    "Even if I did have amnesia the whole thing, I should at least have a distant recollection of it!"
    ML says "amnesia?"
    MJ says "Ming Lan? Didnt I tell you before?" (NOT "Did I tell you before?")
    MJ says "That thing that happened to me, just like it does in the movies? "