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i don't normally laugh while reading manga because i don't find the humor particularly fun...

pooh bear May 7, 2021 11:24 pm

i don't normally laugh while reading manga because i don't find the humor particularly funny. but i physically WHEEZED when matsuki rejected take. in all seriousness, though that was honestly the best way for this manga to end. i'm all for that gay shit (check my reading list if you don't believe me) but there wasn't any romantic chemistry between the two of them. sure, it's believable that take had a crush on matsuki, but not that they'd end up dating. i also really enjoyed how the characters were allowed to be queer without being paired off in the end. (this is all just my personal opinion and i'm sorry to all the people whose ships didn't sail.)

    DarKDevil May 30, 2021 10:40 am

    For some reason I agree with every single word you said even though I kinda shipped matsuki X take i thought it wouldn't make a point of the manga if they end up together even if it was with the girl and if they all end up being queer with a pair in end ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭