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This might just be me

Terrence May 8, 2021 12:50 am

I noticed there’s a calm trope in media “The abuser isn’t that bad trope” it’s in a ton of anime and manga. Where a character is abused by a parent or sibling but the trauma of the victim is just used as angst as to why a character acts a certain way and nothing more. Just for the story to then focus on their abuser and give them a sort of redemption arc.

There’s many forms of this whether it be a parent, bulky, or love interest. Characters (usually men) show unforgivable abusive behavior just for the story to go out of its way to validate their violent behavior with a “jerk with a heart of gold mindset”

    Naty Hunter May 8, 2021 2:50 am

    Yep I thought it was only in yaoi but the more I read these villain reincarnated shoujo stuff I see it a lot