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im stilll at ch 40 so maybe im not caught up but my head hurts from all the stupidity. I w...

Anonymous May 9, 2021 6:08 am

im stilll at ch 40 so maybe im not caught up but my head hurts from all the stupidity. I was just reading Untouchable Lady and the villainess reverses the hourglass, and ig i had higher standards coming here. Severely disappointed by all 4 of the heros, the mc is not too bad but he still is ridiculous. The purchasing of the slave at the beginning was so cliche and a horrible strat. The other three are just fucking dumb. One is obsesssed with playing with ladies, but stilll somehow incredibly naive. One thinks theyre the fucking edgelord or some shit, and is clearly still mentally a middle schooler. The last one hasn't done any major shit distinguishing himself but he's still a fucking asshole. All three of these shitheads have inferiority complexs, yet also Main character syndrome. None of them have any common sense and think everything is a fucking game, and won't even effectively use their past life knowledge. They are simply utterly pathetic. Seriously grow the fuck up everyone.

Besides that, I would say that this is a decent manga because the plot is still p good. Also, the mc kinda has a harem (ig all the ppl in his team are female) but hes not like super close, not walking in on them taking baths, and none of them are openly simping (at least for now). I always wanted to see a good hero reincarnation manga with a non smutty harem.

This is purely my own opinion and I'm still at ch 40 so sorry if it turns out diff later.
