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guys pls im begging yall if u see this comment on the feed pls read this it deserves more ...

uhm girls... yea May 9, 2021 6:16 am

guys pls im begging yall if u see this comment on the feed pls read this it deserves more hype, it pains me seeing the rating cuz this masterpiece deserves more than 8.4 rating. That was my first time reading something so unique, refreshing and deep at the same time. Im just at a loss of words like how the author conveyed all these emotions in just one chapter i want more but i feel like this one chapter is enough, this beautiful masterpiece might've lost its beauty if it was dragged more than this. I wanna thank the author for making this, yes i cried, i laughed, i was anxious definitely a rollercoaster of emotions reading this. Theres a lot of things i learnt from this, a life lesson and i hope everyone would take 5 mins of their day to read this, im telling u wont regret it. at the end all im gonna say is this is revolutionary i'll definitely comeback to reread again. Truly a masterpiece.
