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Stupid Translating Group Thingies

triplewee May 14, 2016 11:16 am

The group's watermark logo thingy on the latest chapter was so annoying that I couldn't bear to read this without wanting to punch my computer screen. It's super annoying when there's a big a s s one on one panel in the background, but when it's plastered over pretty much everything, the chapter is RUINED! The mangaka works hard, and while it sucks that her work is posted freely over the internet, that doesn't mean she's losing too much money. The translator groups also work hard, I used to be a one man group, I get it, but you guys are supposed to be volunteers! It's also super arrogant to post your label on EVERY PAGE even if it's just once! The beginning pages are good enough to spread the word that this is your work.

    stealing is stealing May 14, 2016 12:07 pm

    Define "too much"? How about I come to where you work on payday and take 20% off your paycheck. That's not too much, is it? If someone else decides you're making enough money for your hard work and it's okay to take some of it, that should be okay with you, right?

    Of all the ridiculous justifications for piracy, this is the most revolting and indefensible.

    shouichi May 14, 2016 12:32 pm

    It's not the translation group who put the watermarks. It's the owner of those chinese scanlations on 3n5b who put it. Sadly they couldn't find a better scanlation other than this.

    I know the translation group will release "the better scans" since they already got their own copy. But not this month I think.

    BUUUUT since you insult their hardwork without knowing anything, I don't think they will post the HQ here. hohoho

    Psst: I don't really mind with many watermarks. BUT OH GOD PHUEEESE DON'T PUT IT ON ASAMI-SAMA's GOD FACE!!!!!!!!!! I NEED TO SEE IT!

    Lightasus May 14, 2016 12:47 pm

    Just buy the volume when it comes out; clean as can be. If not, deal with it, you've got something at least, and that in an illegal way :X. Can't be too picky about what free stuff you get.

    The scans were from the chinese scanlation team. They have a huge problem with people reposting the pages on facebook or twitter, basically social medias. Because well, China or Japan aren't happy places to get caught scanlating; people actually get arrested for it!

    This February, Japan arrested 44 Japanese men for the piracy of movies, music, anime, manga or computer software :/. Fines between $1,785 and $89,200 (200,000 to 10 million yen) and jail sentences of up to ten years, depending on their offense. Last year the chinese government got a couple chinese people too.

    "Do not repost this on XXXX" is what's written in chinese all over the pages. They aren't watermarks of their scanlation team name (well one still is, but the rest is just that). They're trying to save their asses. People apparently still posted on them, so they stepped up their game.

    Just like the English scanlation team is trying to save their asses by staying in a private page. Because well, the scanlation team before them got caught and could've been sued if they did not stop.

    Anonymous May 14, 2016 12:49 pm

    Stupidest comment ever. Nobody owes you shit you ungrateful scum. They don't have to share it here if they didn't want to. Would you rather get nothing? The amount of idiots on the VF board is just phenomenal. Justifying stealing and then complain about it.

    Anon May 14, 2016 12:54 pm
    Define "too much"? How about I come to where you work on payday and take 20% off your paycheck. That's not too much, is it? If someone else decides you're making enough money for your hard work and it's okay to... @stealing is stealing

    And yet, you're here.

    Anonymous May 14, 2016 12:58 pm
    Just buy the volume when it comes out; clean as can be. If not, deal with it, you've got something at least, and that in an illegal way :X. Can't be too picky about what free stuff you get.The scans were from t... Lightasus

    Well who cares if people are getting sued/arrested/jailed as long as our princess here can enjoy her free chapter in the best condition possible. That's totally not selfish at all.

    Anon2 May 14, 2016 1:03 pm
    And yet, you're here. @Anon

    And yet, so are you. How long should we continue this?

    Nyx May 14, 2016 1:41 pm

    Why don't you guys just enjoy the free things while it lasts? (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    reponce May 14, 2016 2:29 pm
    Stupidest comment ever. Nobody owes you shit you ungrateful scum. They don't have to share it here if they didn't want to. Would you rather get nothing? The amount of idiots on the VF board is just phenomenal. ... @Anonymous

    what's your excuse for comming here? do you think with no complains from you, you help sensei? or insult others tiefs make ur guilty gone away, or do you think that the fact you buy her book or two can erase the fact that you also like all others here harmed one way or another sensei's hardwork! open ur eyes the fact that this website exist damage sensei tough labor !!!! at least I know what i do ! but like a drug addict I can not abstain myself to come here every moment to check any updates and complain that it's not enough like a crazy addicted that I am, plz pray god that one day I will cured ! but i think imbecility has no cure !

    Anon May 14, 2016 2:40 pm
    And yet, so are you. How long should we continue this? @Anon2

    I'm not the one saying how horrible it is.

    Lightasus May 14, 2016 2:49 pm
    what's your excuse for comming here? do you think with no complains from you, you help sensei? or insult others tiefs make ur guilty gone away, or do you think that the fact you buy her book or two can erase t... reponce

    You know what? I'm actually happy there's not too much of it coming out. Because, of course for someone that will never buy mangas, whether a manga comes out weekly or bimonthly doesn't change a thing about their wallet, but man am I grateful I can easily afford her work, and that she can also polish her volume releases to that extent :)

    Anonymous May 14, 2016 3:01 pm
    what's your excuse for comming here? do you think with no complains from you, you help sensei? or insult others tiefs make ur guilty gone away, or do you think that the fact you buy her book or two can erase t... reponce

    Stupidity indeed has no cure as evidenced by your comment. I'm fully aware what we are doing now is basically illegal but I'm thankful to the scan groups who provide scans for those who cannot purchase for whatever reason. I'm planning to pick up the English volume when it comes out but that will be months or even a year from now. The original poster is the one who said there's nothing wrong with reading here, it's not a bad thing and then went on to blame the scanners who sacrifice their time for horrible people like us for watermarked scans. So what is it you are accusing me of here exactly?

    Anonymous May 14, 2016 6:04 pm

    Show some gratitude! This was done as a favor to the fans and released quickly while the other complainers (this fandom has the biggest bunch of whiners) were crying about it not being a canon chapter. This person/group could have let everybody wait for a year to purchase the official English version.

    reponce May 14, 2016 6:39 pm
    You know what? I'm actually happy there's not too much of it coming out. Because, of course for someone that will never buy mangas, whether a manga comes out weekly or bimonthly doesn't change a thing about the... Lightasus

    you want to make me jealous? :P thanks god I can affrod to buy a manga it's not that expenssive vol 7 is about 18,5 euros ,I can sacrifice 1/1000 of my pay ! but you know that it's impossible ! even via the net coz ebay or amazon is unavailable in my country! so I must take a plane crossing sea to just purchasing a manga!? it's a madness ! not forgetting i must get a schengen visa, hotel charges .... ! so yeah I can just be a leecher ! on other side I have a lot privileges to be out of the system ! I am free from the matrix :)

    Kii May 14, 2016 6:56 pm
    you want to make me jealous? :P thanks god I can affrod to buy a manga it's not that expenssive vol 7 is about 18,5 euros ,I can sacrifice 1/1000 of my pay ! but you know that it's impossible ! even via the net... reponce

    This website is well known and has worldwide free shipping.

    Lightasus May 14, 2016 7:10 pm
    you want to make me jealous? :P thanks god I can affrod to buy a manga it's not that expenssive vol 7 is about 18,5 euros ,I can sacrifice 1/1000 of my pay ! but you know that it's impossible ! even via the net... reponce

    Aha, but I'm just saying, about no one can or wants to keep up with weekly mangas with the prices they are up in America (I think in Europe it's a bit less, but still not quite on par with Japan). 10 to 14$ for a volume that comes out every one and a half months, like gee. Like if you follow three series, you end up spending 300$ per year on that with taxes included.

    I'm going to stick to spending 17$ to import Finder every two and a half years, as well as supporting the magazine every now and then, thank you xD.

    I was just thinking that people complaining about her not being as fast as weekly mangakas probably weren't people paying for it aha. I find it quite inconvenient when they're too fast, my wallet can't keep up and I end up dropping the series entirely aha.

    Anyway, as for Amazon, which country are you from again?

    Lightasus May 14, 2016 7:12 pm website is well known and has worldwide free shipping. @Kii

    Yeah but well, "worldwide" doesn't include Cuba, Syria, Iran, Sudan or North Korea, doesn't it? xD

    Reality bites May 14, 2016 7:13 pm

    This was well done trans. and scan. and done quickly. The trans. was good. (to me any way) I don't care abt. the water mark. Piracy? every manga here is here how?

    reponce May 14, 2016 7:35 pm
    Stupidity indeed has no cure as evidenced by your comment. I'm fully aware what we are doing now is basically illegal but I'm thankful to the scan groups who provide scans for those who cannot purchase for what... @Anonymous

    you contradict yourself, you insulted the readers who steal and complain but they are just a leechers, they own nothing in reality ! the first one who stealing her works are the translation group and the scanners "who sacrifice their time" ! but you justify it by sharing ! moreover ur thankful to them ! indeed stupid is stupid ! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    reponce May 14, 2016 7:36 pm
    Stupidity indeed has no cure as evidenced by your comment. I'm fully aware what we are doing now is basically illegal but I'm thankful to the scan groups who provide scans for those who cannot purchase for what... @Anonymous

    you contradict yourself, you insulted the readers who steal and complain but they are just a leechers, they own nothing in reality ! the first one who stealing her works are the translation group and the scanners "who sacrifice their time" ! but you justify it by sharing ! moreover ur thankful to them ! indeed stealing is stealing and stupid is stupid ! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍