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To be honest I am quiet mad that he came to the conclusion that this wasn't sexual harassm...

AidusPokus May 10, 2021 12:52 pm

To be honest I am quiet mad that he came to the conclusion that this wasn't sexual harassment... like... nani? How was it not? I was really amazed how the author did include such an important topic and then he or she just... let it slide?

Anyway, still I loved this chapter besides from that :> The director is like a baby sloth hanging on the other guy

    AidusPokus May 10, 2021 12:52 pm

    It actually doesn't contain spoiler :( Just an opinion

    Akino_Yonaga May 10, 2021 1:06 pm

    I think it's more a question of highlighting consent than linting it the obvious sexual misconduct? Because I think we focus too much of making it black or white (which is why people on this platform are really quick to mistake sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape when it's four different things). It was sexual harassment to us, but the key point is that it is harassment if it's unwanted, and Serizawa was okay with it (but we only understand why at the end of the chapter, I guess).

    It is true that Serizawa could have reexamined his thoughts and feelings about it, but tbh, he did think about it a lot more than other people. Then again, sometimes people don't realize what they're going through long after it happened to them.

    Akino_Yonaga May 10, 2021 1:07 pm
    I think it's more a question of highlighting consent than linting it the obvious sexual misconduct? Because I think we focus too much of making it black or white (which is why people on this platform are really... Akino_Yonaga

    I don't even know what I meant by linting. It's autocorrect's fault, sorry.

    Cassie May 10, 2021 2:36 pm

    This might be wrong, but from what I understood he did come to the conclusion that he was being sexually harrassed, but that he didn't really mind it all that much. To be clear though, they very obviously portrayed this guy as being kind of dumb so it makes sense that he would come up with that kind of weird conclusion about the sexual harrassment.