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It's painful... Huhu

mcs May 10, 2021 6:30 pm

From chapter 1 until now the story was really sad ╥﹏╥

It is really complicated... And somehow realistic... I feel pain for the mc and his ex... Imagine if we gotta know their story since their high school... And then like other story we have been reading. They lived happily ever after.. Yet when the other story stop with happy ending.. We got this tragedy...

The ex.... Really used to love the mc a lot... It makes the story even sadder..

But then it is kinda annoying how everyone guilty trip the mc. Because he also suffered... He just need time to move on.. When others have done it.. Meanwhile he just woke up..

The ex also.. He was feeling indebted to the red hair rather than love.. And the red hair used him when he was at the lowest point.. He could help him as friend but he love him so he use that chance... Then now he realize the Ex does not fully loved him instead only see him as someone he indebted to...

Ex got trapped with someone who is obsessive and manipulative.. Because i can see that the red hair will do sth drastic if the ex choose the mc.....

That is why it is tragic.. I root for the main couple... But i feel so sad for the original one.. And i dislike the red hair. But again it is realistic
