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darin has very tiny lucid moments before the crazy takes over again. maybe if the cold, ha...

kimbo May 17, 2016 1:10 am

darin has very tiny lucid moments before the crazy takes over again. maybe if the cold, hard truth slaps him in the face enough times, he can break from this insanity.

i can't say the same for sage. she knows damn well what she's doing. yes darin played around with her feelings but she ALLOWED it and then continued to develop feelings for someone she knew she could never have. even when they were "dating," it was painfully obvious he wasn't in to her. so, i don't feel sorry for her in the slightest.

berry is going through some things. sure darin had a part in that but i mostly blame walnut. he went through so much to be with her and when he sees them together again, he can't even be man enough to fucking talk to her? really? i used to be so proud of him before this. now? he's just as shitty as the rest of them.

but despite all that, i want all of them to find their happy ending by the end of this (tho i hope darin's and pear's happy ending is with each other lol).

    manganiME May 21, 2016 10:38 pm

    IKR? He was so close to a growing up epiphany moment. But no, he had to go back to mememememem, it's all about, memememememe.

    CrystalAris May 22, 2016 1:42 am

    I agree will all but the Wally thing. I don't like what he did and there was defiantly a better way... but he was super insecure.

    if your ...lover ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭... dated a person whom they loved and were with for a long time wouldn't you feel insecure.

    The irony here is that both Berry and Wally were insecure, he worried if she truly loved him (since she's his first) and she worried about what would happen (since she has some experience with dating, she knows to consider what the other person feels... also since she was fat and treated badly as a girl, a person, and a girlfriend she looks down on herself)

    Berry's worries, insecurities and caution increased Wally's worry about her not loving him and this escalated to what it is now... the break up.

    I didn't like his actions, but I don't think it brought him down to Darin's, Lime's and Sage's level (oppa was just desperate to get cherry(AKA Darin)). but if that's the way you see Wally, that's fine we all have our opinions.

    manganiME May 22, 2016 5:15 am
    I agree will all but the Wally thing. I don't like what he did and there was defiantly a better way... but he was super insecure.if your ...lover ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭... dated a person whom they loved and were wi... CrystalAris

    Insecurity doesn't justify what he did. He needed to talk to her and LISTEN. Even if she got Cherry and Pear to testify as witnesses that Darin was stalking her, not her him. That he kept getting in her life and in her way.

    But you don't just dump someone over insecurity. Not if you really love them. You figure it out. I think going out with Darin will just make it worse. He'll think he was right. But then, it's a dramatic story. This will up the drama. :D

    manganiME May 22, 2016 5:16 am
    I agree will all but the Wally thing. I don't like what he did and there was defiantly a better way... but he was super insecure.if your ...lover ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭... dated a person whom they loved and were wi... CrystalAris

    And yes, I want Wally to suffer. Because Berry is really, really suffering. He needs to suffer, too. Then they can move on. But he has to realize how much he needs her and how much it hurts that she "seems" to have moved on. Don't dump someone unless you want them taken by someone else... is a general rule.

    CrystalAris May 22, 2016 5:42 am
    Insecurity doesn't justify what he did. He needed to talk to her and LISTEN. Even if she got Cherry and Pear to testify as witnesses that Darin was stalking her, not her him. That he kept getting in her life a... manganiME

    Yeah, luckily its not at soap opera level... yet... getting close ╮( ̄. ̄)╭

    But it also goes to show Wally is also human, still want to kick him though ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    CrystalAris May 22, 2016 5:47 am
    And yes, I want Wally to suffer. Because Berry is really, really suffering. He needs to suffer, too. Then they can move on. But he has to realize how much he needs her and how much it hurts that she "seems" to ... manganiME

    well yeah there are some people who play the 'lets break up' card and those are just stupid.

    heck if someone ever broke up with me, its final no if ands or buts.

    Out of curiosity how should we make him suffer? I have no issues with that cause I fully agree he needs a lesson and a good one at that.

    manganiME May 22, 2016 8:43 am
    well yeah there are some people who play the 'lets break up' card and those are just stupid. heck if someone ever broke up with me, its final no if ands or buts.Out of curiosity how should we make him suffer? I... CrystalAris

    Jealousy. Raging, burning, nightmare-inducing, loss of appetite jealousy. :D

    CrystalAris May 28, 2016 10:52 pm
    Jealousy. Raging, burning, nightmare-inducing, loss of appetite jealousy. :D manganiME

    (⊙.⊙ ) That's just mean! And Sweet!

    I Like It! (≧∀≦)