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I love......

Cynder------ella May 16, 2016 7:26 am

To forget that i read this. Bring back the time of my good mood where i can smile. Coz this manga made me angry to the last bit of my nerves. Cheating and not explaining anything to your lover... Are you fucking nuts? And resisting while being rape and your face says it feels good? Whats that? Even in the brink of death, i will never go with the person who raped me to his house. I will persist even crawling in mud you dumbass of an uke!

    vanillaxxxx October 4, 2016 10:22 pm

    IKRRR? SAME SENTIMENT! I don't understand why. I dropped it after the incident where he was masturbating in front of his student. I like ch. 1-2 tho. LAME! He should atleast apologized for cheating and repent! WTF?

    Cynder------ella October 5, 2016 10:57 am

    IKR! you should read until the end and feel my anger as well. That will make you super saiyan for sure. Lol!

    vanillaxxxx October 5, 2016 9:38 pm
    IKR! you should read until the end and feel my anger as well. That will make you super saiyan for sure. Lol! Cynder------ella

    I'm just glad I didn't read it 'till the end but I caught a glimpse of the gang bang part. (-_-)