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The most toxic manga I read so far...

Miva May 10, 2021 8:47 pm

It's a good manga but a LITTLE TOO MUCH. If anybody look for love story - this is not the manga you look for. If anybody looks for violence, death, rape - you got it.

The main character is just a pityful young boy in my eyes who got caught in Harem Life. Where women - not actually women, but girls - had to give their body, love, hope and life to a man who never cared about them. Even thought this may have a happy ending for the main character one day... that will not change my opinion.

I ALSO PITY THE PRINCESS OF THE DYNASTY... She was created as a villain but in reality we all know that such things really had happen in times like that where two women / candidates for love hated each other and tried to destroy life of the other one. No matter how vilain she was, getting to know that she lost the love she fought for, she lost her virginity, honor and was raped is something I WILL NEVER APPRECIATE.

The whole story is twisted and hard to digest but I could see a little light in it. However it's little to little. The UKE is not only UKE... he is like the bottom of the bottom, as for the SEME... I haven't seen more toxic SEME than him.

Maybe it will have a happy ending for the main couple but the rest are just pityful children for me.

    hey Hey HEEYYYY May 11, 2021 2:40 pm

    Ahh, yes. The life of women in cultures who allow polygamy. It's especially so in Asia (China especially). There are times where I'd wish for a manhuwa where the women in the harem would band together and overthrow the emperor but I doubt it would come in my lifetime.

    Random May 11, 2021 4:22 pm
    Ahh, yes. The life of women in cultures who allow polygamy. It's especially so in Asia (China especially). There are times where I'd wish for a manhuwa where the women in the harem would band together and overt... hey Hey HEEYYYY

    That would be a great story