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Broadening my horizons ig

Henlo May 10, 2021 11:39 pm

Every once in a while, I see somewhere that women reading yaoi is fetishizing gays so I feel like I'm doing something wrong and I avoid it for a bit, but I always come back to it. At first, I thought it was how other people portrayed it, I must be reading them because I find the fact that they're gay attractive (which as a pan woman, I find kind of odd for someone to be attracted to me solely because of my sexuality so that idea is a bit ridiculous but idkk) or that I must've liked seeing abusive relationships between them and seeing it as an ok thing, and yeah, I've read a fair share of manga/hwas where an abusive relationship takes place, (not that that's a good thing) but I don't think that's why I'm drawn to it in general.

I've realised that it's so goddamn hard to find manga/hwas with say, a m/f or f/f couple, that can balance the seggs scenes and the fluffy bits or at least have an interesting story. Not that these don't exist, though, The Missing O was a banger.

TL/DR / Conclusion

I read yaoi because of the cute story lines and smut. I want to broaden my horizons and read some more yuri & straight romance manga/hwas that have a good balance of fluff & smut or have a cool story line. Any recommendations?
