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Is it worth it? Is there at least some viable plot? Fun medical stories, growth of sorts? ...

Anirak094 May 11, 2021 4:23 am

Is it worth it? Is there at least some viable plot? Fun medical stories, growth of sorts?

Don't care if there are harems as long as not all of them are dumb bi*ches with nothing but boobs or ass for brains.

    ethanisyumen May 21, 2021 10:28 am

    yeah its worth it but it kinda depends on the person lol yeah there is growth for the dood and there's only a annoying bitch but she doesn't appear much after like a few chapters no more appearance she might appear again ut shes more of a side side character she don't appear much oo so yuh and for the other girls blue hair is right pink hair is best girl tho no cap slatt wit the glizzy on the side :))