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now i understand the people who complain about the age gap bc it makes me uncomfortable as...

mimyoko May 11, 2021 8:06 am

now i understand the people who complain about the age gap bc it makes me uncomfortable as well but i think it’s a bit hypocritical to punish this storyline for doing it meanwhile, there are tons of yaoi books who do this as well. i feel like yuri, at times, gets the bad end of the stick when you also have mlm books who break a ton of rules when it comes to relationships (rape, abuse, sexual perversions, etc.) that wouldn’t fly for wlw and sometimes heterosexual mangas.

    chairs~ May 13, 2021 2:18 am


    just_STAHP June 2, 2021 12:41 pm

    If you see it as a story that portrays pedophilia its OK. But if you find it as a romantic story about 2 ppl who "pass through the limits of age" then it's wrong.

    Mangaloverr_112 June 8, 2021 12:48 am

    I get what your saying... but I disagree. This site about yaoi. I understand why you brought it up, but it has no relevance. People are upset about the age difference because it’s literally a 21 year age gap.

    People shouldn’t just hate on the plot bc of the age gap, I agree, but this is literally pedophilia. People are just pointing out how it’s a shame because the plot is so good.

    If you can honestly defend this and think this is ok, I suggest you seek help.

    mimyoko June 8, 2021 6:23 am
    I get what your saying... but I disagree. This site about yaoi. I understand why you brought it up, but it has no relevance. People are upset about the age difference because it’s literally a 21 year age gap.... Mangaloverr_112

    I’ve read sicker plots than this and they were within the yaoi genre. It does have relevance because you’re getting upset over this yet you can literally click on a “teacher x student” tag and you’d see soo many BL stories that have age gaps similar to this story.

    I understand it’s pedophilia and in no way am I justifying it. I’m just calling the kettle black for being enraged about this but being ok with the sick & twisted behavior that is allowed in the BL genre. How can I be upset when I have read stuff that is similar to stories like this with no issue?

    Mangaloverr_112 June 8, 2021 6:45 am
    I’ve read sicker plots than this and they were within the yaoi genre. It does have relevance because you’re getting upset over this yet you can literally click on a “teacher x student” tag and you’d s... mimyoko

    I still don’t see the relevance in regards to this. BL and Gl tend to have very different fandoms. If you read the ‘Teacher x student’ stories then you’d see that the student is usually 18 and is graduating the next year. Is that ok? Nope still wrong. However, the age tends to be closer.

    That of course doesn’t apply to all of the ‘Teacher x student’ mangas. However, that again, has no relevance to this story.

    This is simply about a woman whose middle aged dating and having intercourse with a pubescent child. The main character realizes this is wrong, yet still does this.

    People are posting it out because it’s disgusting. This has nothing to do with yaoi, gl, or SL. This is simply about morals and this story.

    I also don’t support the ‘Teacher x student’ mangas. But again, that has no relevance to this story. That’s teacher x student, this isn’t.

    Mangaloverr_112 June 8, 2021 6:53 am
    I’ve read sicker plots than this and they were within the yaoi genre. It does have relevance because you’re getting upset over this yet you can literally click on a “teacher x student” tag and you’d s... mimyoko

    I get what you mean when you bring up that yaoi tends to have a lot of rape/etc and people don’t bat an eye. That however is more to do with people who fetishize yaoi.

    “that wouldn’t fly for wlw”, well actually it does. It depends on what manga you read though, and what the audience is. I’ve seen lots of men comment that they enjoy a girl raping her friend.

    Back to the topic at hand though, I haven’t seen anyone say that the plot was bad. People were just saying how disappointed they were that such a beautiful story and plot, had to have such a ginormous age gap.