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Correct me if I'm wrong since I can't really understand korean. I read the raws and I thin...

Stan Pentagon May 11, 2021 2:51 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong since I can't really understand korean. I read the raws and I think the step brother(?) found the uke and he tried to take him back ig? Then the step mother(?) also appeared and they took the uke inside the car but the seme managed to stop the car. The uke's mother/step mother (srsly i dunno how to address her) threatened the seme by showing pictures of the seme with the people he had sex with, I guess the seme didn't care and the step mother showed the pictures to the seme's father and I don't know what they said but after that the step mother turned homeless (deserved). And I think the uke already remember his past and he also remembers the seme. I forgot what happened next. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
