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God I hate omegaverse

MISSMERCY May 11, 2021 10:01 pm

It defo set us back like 100 years don’t ask me why or how I just know that the creation of omega verse took us a couple steps backwards in the development of humanity

    Louizebi May 11, 2021 10:09 pm

    cool bro, have you read this one tho? it's not absolute trash

    Bass Clef May 11, 2021 10:12 pm

    I don't like them either, but to each their own.

    ...except when I'm enjoying a top-notch bl and someone in the comments goes "I wish this was Omegaverse!"... then I want to smack them in head with a dead fish (⌒▽⌒)

    jurietta9999 May 11, 2021 10:31 pm
    I don't like them either, but to each their own. ...except when I'm enjoying a top-notch bl and someone in the comments goes "I wish this was Omegaverse!"... then I want to smack them in head with a dead fish (... Bass Clef


    jurietta9999 May 11, 2021 10:32 pm

    I'm one of the few people who like omegaverse but hate themselves for liking it. I think it calls to the human psyche that grew up in a traditionalist/fundamentalist home that turned liberal as they grew up and started learning but couldn't quite get rid of traditionalist values...

    Kash May 11, 2021 10:41 pm

    My 1st omegaverse was sayonara alpha and I liked that and was it is a fantasy world where seme or uke don't need to get to break up for kids reason... Like u know the family drama...
    But now I am hating omegaverse each day except 1 or 2....
    It got even worse now... When I see omegaverse... I'm like I'm done with this now.....

    AMND May 11, 2021 10:43 pm
    I'm one of the few people who like omegaverse but hate themselves for liking it. I think it calls to the human psyche that grew up in a traditionalist/fundamentalist home that turned liberal as they grew up and... jurietta9999

    I can understand what you mean, as stuff taught to you for so long can not be erased.

    empty_emty_mty_mt May 11, 2021 10:50 pm

    I think it would be fun to live in omega verse as long as I'm an alpha

    AMND May 11, 2021 11:35 pm
    I think it would be fun to live in omega verse as long as I'm an alpha empty_emty_mty_mt

    After taking multiple quizzes, I have found out that I'm an omega, I expected alpha because of my personality, but no, I'm an omega. I kind of like it, maybe?

    jurietta9999 May 12, 2021 12:11 am
    After taking multiple quizzes, I have found out that I'm an omega, I expected alpha because of my personality, but no, I'm an omega. I kind of like it, maybe? AMND

    what's the quiz? Do you have the link?

    MISSMERCY April 9, 2024 12:25 pm

    3 years later I’ve come back to say omega verse is Gods gift to this world. LMAO I’ve truly read some works of art since posting this