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A bit personal but why not

Evie (JAYFG/IAYGFN) May 11, 2021 11:23 pm

This reminds me of when I moved to the UK. At first, I didn't know much English so I wasn't able to understand anything anyone was saying. At school, my teacher was trying to congratulate me on something, she exclaimed loudly and my young 9-year-old ass ended up wanting to cry.

Honestly, I don't remember much but that was tough cuz at the time I didn't understand anything and I was in a new/strange place. I think that the MC is in a similar situation.

Words are a type of power. Both social anxiety or being unable to speak a language, prevent you from being able to express yourself. It is a weakness and it does put you in a fragile place. Please be mindful of such people, small things can affect them a lot.
