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hilise and axion's story across all her previous lifetimes seriously gives 'you and i agai...

re-ishi May 12, 2021 1:21 pm

hilise and axion's story across all her previous lifetimes seriously gives 'you and i against the world vibes' like someone said in the novel updates spoiler forum, it's as if the author wrote out so many lifetimes just so the 4 families could take their turns at torturing hilise

inoadens (red): ricardo killing hilise in the first life, diego experimenting on her, continually denying her existence and abusing her over and over you know the drill

winter (blue): christian manipulating and emotionally abusing her, taking her to his residence, eventually leading to her death when she tried to escape

callico (green): played a part in the experiments conducted on hilise, the red jewels that diego embedded into hilise's skin was from margot, there was some internal fued within the family which i don't rly understand but basically it facilitated the experiments, terzo (violetta's cousin) being a piece of shit who doesnt feel remorseful at all for aiding the experiments

autumn (ml's fam): ml's mother also played a part in the experiments. in hilise's 5th life, ml was trying to protect her at his residence, but the elders tied her up, transported her to inoaden territory and threw her off the carriage, where she was soon murdered by the inoadens

hilise's 5th life has probably got to be the most tragic. towards the end of her life she becomes mentally unsound and obviously traumatised.

the fact that violetta wants to be friends with her in the current life really rubs me the wrong way, because in the 5th life violetta kept visiting hilise at axion's mansion, and hilise thought they were friends but violetta was just doing it out of guilt, as she knew her family's involvement in hilise's suffering. like ik violetta wasnt directly involved but it really affected hilise and made her put up her walls again. there was also a scene where hilise went to a party violetta hosted for margot, and it was so heartbreaking because hilise thought to herself about how violetta was so beautiful with such good skin, while she herself felt like a monster after being experimented on. and violetta was having a good time, smiling and laughing, and margot despite being the indirect root of the experiments, was also blissfully unaware. it was so sad ;;;;

it's like the world just keeps fking hilise over and over again.. in all the lifetimes, axion is the only one sincere to hilise. everyone else can seriously go fk themselves.

also violetta annoys me because she told axion not to get close to hilise but she herself wants to be friends with hilise in this lifetime. like bij not after what u did previously no. and she went on about wanting to protect margot but UM we saw how that turned out previously. like diego, ricardo, christian are consistent piece of shits so hilise can hate on them freely, violetta pls stop with your half assedry it just feels hypocritical and disgusting blergh

    what's my name? May 12, 2021 1:47 pm