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hmmm ?

reponce May 20, 2016 12:32 am

1- is there a relation beteween sazaki and the last owner of the condo? the one who died in the secret room?
2- the SM items were originaly given to asami but its ended up in the ex owner hands? why ?
3- why asami did specifically buy this condo? the secret room failed to save Mr X so why?
4- the late owner was he the previous head of japanese underworld?
many questions a ton of enigma ! i wish I can meeting the mangaka :'(

    J Unleashed May 20, 2016 2:03 am

    1. Highly unlikely. (Source: personal opinion)

    2. Asami said the S/M items were given to him "by an acquaintance of mine... a man with excellent taste". (Source: Ch. 38, pg. 22)

    That man also happened to be the now-deceased former owner of the condo. (Source: )

    3. The one feature that attracted Asami to the condo was the fact that it came with maid service. (Source: Sensei, in one of those information side-extras she occasionally does... but I can't remember where at the moment)

    The maid service is no longer utilized since Akihito took over housekeeping duties. (Source: same as above)

    Asami owns the entire top floor, but the other units are unoccupied. (Source: Sensei again, possibly from the same bit as above)

    4. Highly likely the former owner was involved in the underworld, probably at a high level. (Source: personal opinion)

    Anoni Grrl May 20, 2016 2:15 am

    I like your questions/speculation. I agree with J Unleashed on number one. Sakazaki may own a single club, but he seems more like someone wanting to climb to the top than someone who could normally be seen as an equal to Asami or his level. Sakazaki is more Sudou's level--or so it seems to me.

    3 and 4 seem possible. :)

    J Unleashed May 20, 2016 2:17 am
    1. Highly unlikely. (Source: personal opinion) 2. Asami said the S/M items were given to him "by an acquaintance of mine... a man with excellent taste". (Source: Ch. 38, pg. 22) That man also happened to be the... J Unleashed

    I also wanted to add... Asami uses the term "acquaintance", which doesn't give any information whatsoever as to the type of relationship. He could've been someone Asami had business ties with, or a mentor, or an actual partner, or close friend, or a lover, or even a rival. Therefore, the possibility exists that Asami could've been somehow responsible for the man's demise.

    Anoni Grrl May 20, 2016 2:31 am
    I also wanted to add... Asami uses the term "acquaintance", which doesn't give any information whatsoever as to the type of relationship. He could've been someone Asami had business ties with, or a mentor, or a... J Unleashed

    Oh, that's just cold. It's one thing to whack someone, and another to keep their gear in your vault in case you get a chance to use it.

    J Unleashed May 20, 2016 4:26 am
    Oh, that's just cold. It's one thing to whack someone, and another to keep their gear in your vault in case you get a chance to use it. Anoni Grrl

    Well, that penthouse IS prime real estate...

    The S/M regalia display is pretty sweet. That Asami chose to break out the equipment just for Akihito is obviously proof of his love.

    reponce May 20, 2016 10:56 am
    1. Highly unlikely. (Source: personal opinion) 2. Asami said the S/M items were given to him "by an acquaintance of mine... a man with excellent taste". (Source: Ch. 38, pg. 22) That man also happened to be the... J Unleashed

    2- the late owner happend to have the same hobby but I don't think he is the one who gave those items to asami ! why asami would return such a gift !? I think asami recovered his stuff ,he don't like others touching his things!
    asami owns also all the floor below .
    1- in my opinion sazaki was one of the loyal dog of the late head. when he mentioned that he will take soudo to his old patron's place this thought crossed my mind.

    reponce May 20, 2016 11:59 am
    I like your questions/speculation. I agree with J Unleashed on number one. Sakazaki may own a single club, but he seems more like someone wanting to climb to the top than someone who could normally be seen as a... Anoni Grrl

    I think sazaki is really a dangerous man, he is scheming in shadow something big , to think he exposed sudoh traffic and then saved him to gain another pawn against asami ! and he have michael as customer ! it shows that his dealing is bigger than to own just a single club!

    Anoni Grrl May 20, 2016 12:14 pm
    I think sazaki is really a dangerous man, he is scheming in shadow something big , to think he exposed sudoh traffic and then saved him to gain another pawn against asami ! and he have michael as customer ! it ... reponce

    Maybe. I see him as Mikhail's henchman or wannabe henchman. Sakazaki calls Mikhail a customer, but that may only mean they met through Mikhail indulging in hosts and buying secrets. Sakazaki uses his hosts to get information which he trades (as did Sudou with the sex workers). Sakazaki's primary value is in the secrets and spying, In that sense, he is a parasite on those with real power. I don't know that he plots for his own sake so much as he sells what he can to those who will pay him well. But we will see. Maybe you are right.

    reponce May 20, 2016 12:38 pm
    Maybe. I see him as Mikhail's henchman or wannabe henchman. Sakazaki calls Mikhail a customer, but that may only mean they met through Mikhail indulging in hosts and buying secrets. Sakazaki uses his hosts to g... Anoni Grrl

    you have a good point ; maybe u r right. the suspens is killing me but this manga is the best ever !

    LadyLigeia May 20, 2016 12:40 pm
    Maybe. I see him as Mikhail's henchman or wannabe henchman. Sakazaki calls Mikhail a customer, but that may only mean they met through Mikhail indulging in hosts and buying secrets. Sakazaki uses his hosts to g... Anoni Grrl

    Possibly Sakazaki wants a higher position and needs the support of someone important in the mafia underworld (Mikhail). I had the impression that when Sakazaki was talking about his "customer"he was implying something that had to do with drug trafficking.

    reponce May 20, 2016 12:47 pm
    Well, that penthouse IS prime real estate... The S/M regalia display is pretty sweet. That Asami chose to break out the equipment just for Akihito is obviously proof of his love. J Unleashed

    if the assassins blow up the condo, we may never see the japanese reception room, the inner garden, and i was dreaming to see asami's shoes marrying akihito sneackers :(

    Anoni Grrl May 20, 2016 1:01 pm
    Possibly Sakazaki wants a higher position and needs the support of someone important in the mafia underworld (Mikhail). I had the impression that when Sakazaki was talking about his "customer"he was implying so... LadyLigeia

    That's true. If Sakazaki is selling Russian drugs in Tokyo, then taking out Asami would let him step up. Good point. Although then Mikhail would be his supplier? Maybe I have it backwards.

    Anoni Grrl May 20, 2016 1:03 pm
    if the assassins blow up the condo, we may never see the japanese reception room, the inner garden, and i was dreaming to see asami's shoes marrying akihito sneackers :( reponce

    Oh, what a sweet image! Maybe we'll see it in the new place--the one specially designed with a darkroom and photo studio.

    What? Sadists can buy their sweeties custom design digs. That will be more rooms to put hearts in.

    LadyLigeia May 20, 2016 2:35 pm
    That's true. If Sakazaki is selling Russian drugs in Tokyo, then taking out Asami would let him step up. Good point. Although then Mikhail would be his supplier? Maybe I have it backwards. Anoni Grrl

    Ye, I was thinking that Mik might be his supplier of russian drugs. *o*

    Anonymous May 22, 2016 1:53 pm
    That's true. If Sakazaki is selling Russian drugs in Tokyo, then taking out Asami would let him step up. Good point. Although then Mikhail would be his supplier? Maybe I have it backwards. Anoni Grrl

    How does taking out Asami let him step up? I thought Asami was an arms dealer, not a drug trafficker.

    reponce May 22, 2016 3:30 pm
    How does taking out Asami let him step up? I thought Asami was an arms dealer, not a drug trafficker. @Anonymous

    read the first chap , yes he is drugs dealer, prostitut business throuth soudo coz asami owns a lot of night club !

    Anoni Grrl May 22, 2016 3:58 pm
    How does taking out Asami let him step up? I thought Asami was an arms dealer, not a drug trafficker. @Anonymous

    Asami is a powerhouse of Toyko's underworld. We know he hs legitimate businesses and ongoing illegal enterprises. One of the areas we know he is involved in is arms dealings. I doubt Asami personally sells drugs but I would also be surprised if he were completely cut out of the profit others make by selling drugs. He was concerned about Fei, and Fei's group certainly moves drugs. It's a bit of an extrapolation on my part to say that removing Asami would let a smaller player move up in Tokyo's drug market but I don't think it is that much of a stretch.