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I have add blocker on my computer and since today whenever I clic on something like voting...

lily_nuit May 21, 2016 3:10 am

I have add blocker on my computer and since today whenever I clic on something like voting... it's open a new tab whit a nosy pub... what is that !

    Nadir♡ May 21, 2016 3:40 am

    There's a ghost!

    ya, Idk what's happening maybe a virus or something

    lily_nuit May 21, 2016 4:09 am
    There's a ghost!ya, Idk what's happening maybe a virus or something Nadir♡

    ok now I'm afraid I will run my anti virus ... But just saw that add block was deactivated :S hope it's just that

    Nadir♡ May 21, 2016 4:17 am
    ok now I'm afraid I will run my anti virus ... But just saw that add block was deactivated :S hope it's just that lily_nuit

    Aw, man. I'm sure it's just that. Just make sure every week you clean your computer and all your stuff is working properly.