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This is better than I thought. Marie and Gangbin's yearnings are murmured so poetically on...

Green eggs and ham December 16, 2012 12:21 pm

This is better than I thought. Marie and Gangbin's yearnings are murmured so poetically on paper that it makes me long with them, cry with them, and ache for that love that flew beyond my fingertips and that second chance that seemed like a miracle. Meanwhile Dongja and Sulyoung's witty repartee knocks me down laughing because it's so smooth. One of Sulyoung's lines that had me laughing... "what is hot sauce without it's kick," in reference to Dongja's fiery personality; but seriously, while Marie and Gangbin makes you hurt and cry, Dongja and Sulyoung makes you laugh. Would so recommend!
