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No shame

xthemainhoex May 14, 2021 4:42 pm

for anyone who have been in the same situation or hypothetically asked to be in these situation and chose to leave or asked for that person to quit their job, should feel no shame. I mean this in the most earnest way. Ask but dont push. If it meant for you that much and s/he wasnt willing to part w/ that job (even when you have heard the many reasons why s/he cant and having them hear also the reasons why this is a big deal to you) then leave the relationship. Staying would only hurt you both. Either way, people who left or have been left for, should never think that they
1. Can be never loved because of their job
2. Is not more important than a job
3. Its an its you, not me or vice versa type of break up but Its the situation is not a ground you can both stand in type and that eventually sumn out there would be able to.
