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I guess I'm the only one who did not like Souta. I believe Higaki deserve someone better t...

yaoi lover December 16, 2012 8:17 pm

I guess I'm the only one who did not like Souta. I believe Higaki deserve someone better than that man-whore. At the end, Souta's love for Higaki just came out of nowhere, maybe he felt guilty for injuring Higaki. His love for his aniki is just as shallow, just came and went like it was nothing.

    Sani December 18, 2012 5:40 pm

    I agree! I think Higaki is to good and gentle for Souta. Souta was just playing with his feelings :(

    netyuna December 19, 2012 3:01 am

    after higaki new that souta was just playing around he still kept in that relationship with him. Souta was honest so please stop victimizing him cause hes not. I for one in the beginning would have stop cause Im too proud to beg, but since he did well accept the consequences. Im happy that at least it was maybe a little realistic in the way how little by little souta fell in love with higaki because he earned it (counting that he was obsessed with his twin I mean in love? but in real life usually a player stays a player.
    So anyways I loved the stories and I loved How they ended :D

    yaoi lover December 20, 2012 12:13 am

    netyuna, i know cheating was bad but being honest about this does not have much. Souta obviously know about Higaki's feelings, he should break off the sexual relationship for good. Instead, he got angry why Higaki wants to stop it. He should not know painful it is to be close but do not have the one u love (his aniki). I did not feel any romantic feeling development at all. It was admiration, then sex, then appreciation after he saved him. Regardless whether it was really love or not, Higaki deserves someone better.

    NaNaxKyo December 20, 2012 1:00 am

    yaoi lover
    yes.definitely.i'm agree with you.he deserves someone better :)

    Anonymous December 21, 2012 1:23 am

    I wanna see Souta's jealous. You know, as proof that he love Higaki or something. Even in the end he didn't really told Higaki he loved him did he?

    Don't know why when is see someone like Souta. I wanna get them jealous, and realize how important that other person is to them.

    yaoi lover December 21, 2012 7:04 pm

    anonymous, my thought exactly but the story was too short for it. From what we see, Higaki is just head over heels for Souta and always there for him. Souta did not do much.

    yaoi lover December 21, 2012 7:06 pm

    anonymous, it also saddens me to see Higaki so unsecured and Souta did nothing about it.

    Anonymous July 7, 2013 6:56 am

    Good for a sce I thought I was the only one that thought he was way to good for him

    Vampire Queen June 4, 2014 7:17 pm

    While I agree that Souta made his feelings clear early on, it still does not change that he has yet to properly make his true feelings clear to Higaki and that he knew about Higaki's feelings and still acted that way. He does come off as being shallow and at the end it was like he just gave up his feelings for his aniki in favour of his guilt (turned like?love?) over Higaki's hurt.

    Netyuna January 8, 2015 8:21 am
    netyuna, i know cheating was bad but being honest about this does not have much. Souta obviously know about Higaki's feelings, he should break off the sexual relationship for good. Instead, he got angry why Hig... @yaoi lover

    Yaoi lover, The not breaking off the relationship was the fault of both of them. I agree but only that they where both wrong. But hikagi was only acting blind because of love, and soutas actions was of some one who is lost. I imagine it can be horrible to some one to fall in love with the ir siblings (even If some of su dont mind in the yaoi World ;)) so i can understand him sleeping with whoever to forget. The moment they slept toguether and Hikagi realized that Souta was not looking for a serious relationship was the moment he acepted everything. I don't think Soutas feling started when Hikagi saved him but when Hikagi saw him crying for the news of his brother. Getting the shock that his brother would never be his (even though it was obvious from the beggening) and then Hikagi being the one to calm him down,made him be more aware of Hikagi and also feeling so much during sex probable confused him and scared him since it's something he was probably not usted to. so he was the one to decide to break it up and then since he still doesn't understand his feeling got annoyed when Hikagi agreed to it. Love can start in diferent ways not all the time is in a pretty way, yes Hikagi was the first to fall in love, but I do believe Souta also did later. So even If things could have been diferent I don't agree with the phrase " Hikagi deserved better" because i think that Souta is a good person and he is enough for Hikagi. But still thank you for answering me and sorry for answering so late, is just that is been so long since ive re-read this manga and also forgot that i even wrote about it so I had to refresh my memory