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Please Help

CrystalAris May 24, 2016 3:05 am

I'm looking for a specific manga.

A girl who's raised by a monk (?) or some guy, as she's walking she steps in front of a vehicle and then her memento shines and she gets transported to the past (something like the endo period).

She ends up having to work at the red light district (but doesn't do that service.. she's more like a mascot or something so she works but doesn't have to do 'that') And at times she remembers/ dreams about her mom or a woman crying.

After some time and stuff she finds out she's originally from the endo period and she saves her mom from getting crushed and tells her not to put the baby in the well and the mom lives.. but as the mom survived the MC starts to disappear because the baby wasn't put in the well....then the panel fads to black and then the MC wakes up in bed and wonders why she's still 'in existence' turns out mom put the baby in the well so that her 'now' daughter can live.

its also a romance where the MC falls for the owner of the redlight district building she lived in.

it was really good and I thought I saved it, but I can't find it. Please help. and thanks.
