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hi from italy! just saying some corrections for the italians test! the title shoul be: "da...

Anonymous May 25, 2016 2:50 pm

hi from italy! just saying some corrections for the italians test! the title shoul be: "dalla lingua del bugiardo" (from the liar's tongue) or "la lingua del bugiardo" (the liar's tongue). then at the end it's written "lei è un bugiardo!" which actually means SHE is a liar or is a really formal way of speaking, like for when you talk to teachers or grown-up strangers. we don't use "you" (non diamo del tu) but we use the third singular person ( he-she --> lei), in this case, if he wanted to say "he is a liar" it should be "lui è unu bugiardo".
wow...i wrote really a lot( ̄∇ ̄") .byeeee (●'◡'●)ノ

    the one from above May 25, 2016 2:52 pm

    ops i wanted to write "lui è un bugiardo"