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Spoilers for who wants it

Zel May 16, 2021 8:34 am

okay so the anaconda was the soulmate of the wolf but the wolf's soulmate was the bunny and at the end the anaconda was going back with the father of his kids but the wolf didn't let him and while that happened the bunny went wild and let the beast out which was killing students and tried to kill the wolf but the wolf pulled his eye out and gave it to the bunny and said "I will be with you forever." and had to fake the death of the bunny and at the end the anaconda gets a grandchild and attends a wedding or was it his with the wolf and the wolf has a child? not really since its the beast but since he gave his eye the beast sees and has a child like face that looks like the bunny and the bunny and the other live together as a family but the anaconda said he loves the wolf with tears and all so anaconda married the dude that left him and the wolf with the bunny a really weird story but cried while reading just go to for the whole thing but it's in Spanish and English just a few parts but I know Spanish which helped out.

    i like yaoi 3> May 18, 2021 10:42 pm

    Oh that's intriguing

    formyfandoms May 21, 2021 9:31 pm

    So snake wants wolf. Wolf wants rabbit. Rabbit wants snake. What a nutshell.