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Does the plot change midway unintentionally? He is no more the groom of the pain god.

Yaoiholic May 16, 2021 1:44 pm

Does the plot change midway unintentionally?
He is no more the groom of the pain god.

    Gh0stG1rl May 17, 2021 9:13 am

    No. It's intentional. At first, the author wants river and khaol to end up together, but at as she writes, she saw that it's very hard for them to be together because of their personality, moral values and everything. And river was not that forgiving. He has his own limits to. Being betrayed by khaol again and again just kill the feeling he had for khaol. And when he becomes god of the river, replacing shuyin, that feeling just multiplied.

    Now for heil, heil has always been good to him, to his ancestor. He always look out for him and everything. Even though it hurts him to see river and khaol together, he still stay by river's side because he wants river to be happy. At that time, river was happy with khaol, so yeah.

    when the author said the novel is written differently, I thought khaol end up with river but the author said no. So yeah. Both the novel and the comic's end game is heil x river

    Soti May 17, 2021 9:21 am
    No. It's intentional. At first, the author wants river and khaol to end up together, but at as she writes, she saw that it's very hard for them to be together because of their personality, moral values and ever... Gh0stG1rl

    Wait, I always thought the novel had Khaol x River as endgame. That was what even made me read the manga cos I thought it would be the same as the novel. Then the author said she had to change her mind midway cos she didn't think it was fair for them to be together.
    So I wonder why she still let Khaol be hung up on River, just free him if he is not the endgame then.

    Gh0stG1rl May 17, 2021 9:46 am
    Wait, I always thought the novel had Khaol x River as endgame. That was what even made me read the manga cos I thought it would be the same as the novel. Then the author said she had to change her mind midway c... Soti

    Well, this is just my opinion. At first when River married Khaol, Khaol was still hung up on Kavari. as their relationship, thought Khaol will opened up to river and let go of Kavari and River's ancestor. But as he is the god of pain, he cannot do that. By the time he forgives river's ancestor and let go of Kavari, he is no longer in pain and that will make him lose his power.

    When Kari said to Khaol there is a way to get Kavari back by sacrificing River, a human. he took it. During that time, Khaol never see River as someone important to him but an expendable for him to get Kavari back. So, when Khaol betrayed River by sacrificing him, River finally released all his feelings towards Khaol. He simply hated him.

    Now, for Khaol. He thought after sacrifing River he'll get Kavari again. Yes, he did. But Kavari is not the same anymore. Kavari has been locked up for thousand/hundreds of year as human and not reincarnating that his soul had become very tired and damaged. No matter how Khaol tried to please Kavari. Kavari simply has become emotionless like a doll

    Khaol began to regret sacrificing River and I guess he started to miss their time together. So, when he knew River was still alive, he tried to make up for his mistake but river is no longer on love with him and realised his feeling for heil. Khaol never aim for forgiveness from river because he knew it's not easy to be forgiven.

    I would say, that since Khaol is a god of pain and cannot exist without pain, the pain he receive for hurting River maybe at least give him some power to stay existed.

    I can only say that he brought this to himself. And having him hung up on River is quite a punishment for him. But still, no matter how much a jerk he had been, I still wish that one day he'll get his own salvation.

    Ps: I don't think I'm answering your question at all I'm sorry for that

    Gh0stG1rl May 17, 2021 9:49 am
    Wait, I always thought the novel had Khaol x River as endgame. That was what even made me read the manga cos I thought it would be the same as the novel. Then the author said she had to change her mind midway c... Soti

    She could write the together because she felt like the relationship will be forced. That's why she write up Heil with River but she never thought that Heil x River will be widely accepted by the readers since usually readers like the main lead.

    Soti May 17, 2021 10:20 am
    She could write the together because she felt like the relationship will be forced. That's why she write up Heil with River but she never thought that Heil x River will be widely accepted by the readers since u... Gh0stG1rl

    Lol. Now I understand everything. It makes me hate the story because stories like this stress me a lot.
    I mean, the summary and everything did not give me the impression that there will be another lead, you get? Even the novel was not favorable to Heil because River rejected him when he became a god. The author changed the story from this point and made River accept him instead. I usually try to stay away from love-triangle stories like this because I almost always end up on the wrong side. If I had known that Heil and River were the endgame even after making Khaol the main lead, I would have skipped the webtoon or focused more on Heil and River.
    It is very difficult for me to change my mind after I have shipped a couple and I can't hate Khaol because he is not a terrible person. He is just a coward who was too scared to face his emotions because of his past and only realized his feelings a bit too late. But I'm glad you have given me this insight so I can finally let go and move on.
    Now I just have to wait for the story to end. Thank you.

    Gh0stG1rl May 17, 2021 12:19 pm
    Lol. Now I understand everything. It makes me hate the story because stories like this stress me a lot. I mean, the summary and everything did not give me the impression that there will be another lead, you get... Soti

    Yeah. I just hope Khaol will be able to put everything behind and find his own solace. And I really hope he'll be able to let Kaveri go. He has suffer for me many years already. Or maybe they can be reincarnated it reborn together.

    Soti May 17, 2021 12:42 pm
    Yeah. I just hope Khaol will be able to put everything behind and find his own solace. And I really hope he'll be able to let Kaveri go. He has suffer for me many years already. Or maybe they can be reincarnate... Gh0stG1rl

    Exactly! Either he lets Kavieri go or they both get reincarnated together and start all over again. Because with how much he was willing to sacrifice to get Kavieri back, I believe if Kavieri had been whole when Khaol got him back, he might not have spared a thought for River and that is what makes him a bastard, even though I still love him

    Gh0stG1rl May 17, 2021 1:45 pm
    Exactly! Either he lets Kavieri go or they both get reincarnated together and start all over again. Because with how much he was willing to sacrifice to get Kavieri back, I believe if Kavieri had been whole wh... Soti
