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Please just be nice to Maxi. Is that so hard?

Amberry May 16, 2021 8:52 pm

Please just be nice to Maxi. Is that so hard?

    Vicks May 16, 2021 9:51 pm

    He is nice to her fym? Sometimes she makes dumb decisions and let her trauma rule her life.

    Aina May 17, 2021 2:21 am
    He is nice to her fym? Sometimes she makes dumb decisions and let her trauma rule her life. Vicks

    Lmao trauma runs deep it's very hard to overcome it and it takes TIME. Try to have some compassion for God's sake.

    Vicks May 17, 2021 4:53 am
    Lmao trauma runs deep it's very hard to overcome it and it takes TIME. Try to have some compassion for God's sake. Aina

    How do you know i don’t Have compassion? She should just tell him and help her heal but instead shes letting it control her its dumb

    Kuroooblack May 17, 2021 9:51 am
    How do you know i don’t Have compassion? She should just tell him and help her heal but instead shes letting it control her its dumb Vicks

    Her trauma's no joke, how do you expect her to open up immediately to some man who left her right after there marriage, then come back three years after treating her like some sheltered and loved noblewoman. After what she's been through her whole life she can't just trust anyone. How does she know that he won't throw her after he found out, how does she know he's different from those people who mistreated her, Riftan's basically a stranger to her. And she's trying really really hard to overcome that trauma- idk that's just what i think

    Amberry May 17, 2021 12:33 pm
    He is nice to her fym? Sometimes she makes dumb decisions and let her trauma rule her life. Vicks

    He's definitely not being nice to her right now. There's no excuse for him taking his anger out on her. Trauma is not something that you can pick and choose how it affects you, it just does. Riftans behavior sure isn't helping her healing process here

    Aina May 17, 2021 2:59 pm
    How do you know i don’t Have compassion? She should just tell him and help her heal but instead shes letting it control her its dumb Vicks

    This comment literally shows that you have none... and that you know nothing about mental health

    Midnight Angel May 18, 2021 4:08 pm
    He is nice to her fym? Sometimes she makes dumb decisions and let her trauma rule her life. Vicks

    Lol, imagine calling a husband who left her after their first night together for 3 damn years,then come back treating her like a loved and cherished noble woman “treating nice”- (I do certainly like Riftan but your statement just doesn't have any logic) She's been ABUSED her WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE for god's sake- what do you expect her to do? Tell a guy with whom she hasn't even had a proper talk with about her trauma? That has been haunting her since her childhood? Bestie- trauma isn't a joke, it's not something so fickle that you'd openly talk about it (that too with a guy that's basically a stranger rn) As far as I Can see she's Defo trying to get over her trauma do I don't see where she's “dumb”. And Riftan's “being nice” (that is, yelling at an already quivering and shaking person) certainly isn't helping her AT ALL-

    Vicks May 18, 2021 8:02 pm

    I mean do yall i have my opinion you guys have yours. Do yall cuz imma have the same opinion.

    Lune May 19, 2021 11:02 pm
    I mean do yall i have my opinion you guys have yours. Do yall cuz imma have the same opinion. Vicks

    You having zero compassion control you so dum tbh
    Like what you said about Maxi but you just so you know ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Vicks May 20, 2021 2:41 am
    You having zero compassion control you so dum tbh Like what you said about Maxi but you just so you know ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Lune

    Look here dumbass i voiced my opinion nicely. I dont have to like her Or show compassion towards her if i do not want too. Take yo raggedy white savior werido build body ass outta here and fuck off thanks-mangement.