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Belle May 17, 2021 1:31 am


and what the fuck will happen to the twins? i'm seeing "spoilers" in the comment section, but no spoilers really.

    - 3 - May 17, 2021 1:32 am

    Ok here is the spoiler
    So I read some spoilers of this from novel updates and I don't think I can continue reading cause I just feel unfair with what would happen...

    So from what I've read, Arjen will give all his imperial magic powers to Arien to protect her, though it was only supposed to be half, he accidentally gave all of it to her.

    From then on, he worked more on practicing his swordmanship to not be powerless, while Arien grew up to be one of the strongest magician and ends up being with their guardian (I think?). And Arjen stays single cause he is very focused on being a knight.

    I can't bear to continue reading after discovering this cause I know how happy and connected Arjen was with his imperial powers and just the thought of him having that taken away (wether he wanted to or not) just seemed so unfair ╥﹏╥

    Belle May 17, 2021 8:41 am
    Ok here is the spoiler So I read some spoilers of this from novel updates and I don't think I can continue reading cause I just feel unfair with what would happen...So from what I've read, Arjen will give all h... - 3 -

    holy fucc that's dark and U N F A I R

    I started reading this because i love stories with CUTE BEBIES who are just funny and adorable. why will it turn out that way? (๑•ㅂ•)و✧