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nefari0us May 17, 2021 6:19 am

Ok so I read this one BL it was just a lot of misunderstandings because eveypry guy in the school thought he was a playboy and a fuckbiy because he was always with a different woman each week and girls would always go into his room. But in actuality he was just asking on what to do on a date. He was a virgin but he was really popular a true bean. He thought he had a dick problem for awhile because he couldn’t get up to women. So he tried getting up to men, it worked and that’s how he figured out he was gay and like every girl that went on a fake date with him knew he was gay so they were comfortable. One day the uke comes in and he’s like really unpopular and all of a sudden the seme is like,”woah... he’s hot” and he tries approaching him but the uke thinks he’s a douche and ignores him. Seme doesn’t give and keep trying to talk to him and but the uke is just annoyed like,”what do you want from me? To bully me? My lunch money” but the seme is like,”no... I just thought you looked cool and wanted to compliment your whatever” uke is just embarrassed about how rude he was for no reason and is like,”oh-“

I read this awhile ago please help I REALLY LIKED THIS ONE TOO
