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Not for everyone...

Jesss June 21, 2016 1:35 am

This is a manga i reread from time to time. Something people dont understand is that love is not the same for everyone. For me i wouldnt be able to be with someone that hurt me. But Kei tried to leave, tried to find a new love. For him, it was worth being with Kaiya, knowing he wasnt the best person. Kaiya did abuse him, and he is not the best person. But he changed his whole life to find Kei, and spent five years waiting for him. It may not be the right kind of love for everyone, but who are we to judge? =)

Edit: i agree with the comments saying, it would have been nice if Kaiya had acknowledged the abuse, and shown he had changed. But i dont think everyone understood the reason Kei left. Kei left because he didnt believe Kaiya loved him. When Kaiya tells him he loves him, and spent 5 years waiting for him. That was all he needed, all he wanted was his love. Hopefully Kaiya has grown up in those 5 years.

    Anonymous June 21, 2016 5:39 am

    Omg, this FREAKING FANTASTIC! Yes, you aren't defending Kaiya and you are hoping that he's changed. OMG, yes!

    Anonymous June 21, 2016 5:40 am

    Omg, this is* FREAKING FANTASTIC!

    Jesss June 21, 2016 7:07 pm
    Omg, this FREAKING FANTASTIC! Yes, you aren't defending Kaiya and you are hoping that he's changed. OMG, yes! @Anonymous

    =) thanks for replying. it makes me happy to know someone reads my comments and understands where im coming from.

    Anonymous July 25, 2016 5:12 pm
    =) thanks for replying. it makes me happy to know someone reads my comments and understands where im coming from. Jesss

    No problem! I tend to comment quite vehemently, too often I know some would say, under those comments I disagree with so I figure I should, at the very least, comment just as vehemently under those I *do* agree with. :D

    kurarara November 12, 2018 11:08 pm

    Nah I am sorry. It had barely any development or good pacing. It felt so unrealistic.