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miyabi123456789 May 29, 2016 2:59 am

For people who are married or have boyfriend or girlfriend, do you eventually tell them that you read yaoi. If you did how did your partner react(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    ᒥ 틀림 ᒧ May 29, 2016 3:05 am

    I did he didn't mind it at all (Im a proud fujoshi, that's why) WAHAHAHAHHA

    WeAllNeedRomance May 29, 2016 3:07 am

    I told my boyfriend and he made me promised to never read it around him. Well one time he got me mad so I forced him to read a neko boy yaoi with me :3. He got over it.

    When I told my girlfriend she got really confused why I read it, so I suggest some light ones to her. She still didn't get it, well long story sort. She went through my history and find Honto Yajuu and became addicted.

    Everyone even strangers except my family excluding my cousins know I read yaoi. Im very open about it.

    KikiBee May 29, 2016 4:53 am
    I did he didn't mind it at all (Im a proud fujoshi, that's why) WAHAHAHAHHA ᒥ 틀림 ᒧ

    Well if you read a sexy scene
    , and get hot and bothered...kinda has a happy ending for him, if youre

    Ichiro May 29, 2016 5:10 am

    Well pretty much everyone in my grade knows that I read yaoi and everyone's really accepting. My guy friends don't mind when I read it around them and no one cares if I read it in class. Some of them even reads Yaoi with me lmao

    ᒥ 틀림 ᒧ May 29, 2016 5:34 am
    Well if you read a sexy scene , and get hot and bothered...kinda has a happy ending for him, if youre KikiBee

    WAHAHAHAHAHHA. Nah, he's chill with it (I used to send pictures of yaoi scenes where the uke is being penetrated ). Almost everyone I know knows I love yaoi (other than my parents ;-;)

    KikiBee May 29, 2016 7:07 am
    WAHAHAHAHAHHA. Nah, he's chill with it (I used to send pictures of yaoi scenes where the uke is being penetrated ). Almost everyone I know knows I love yaoi (other than my parents ;-;) ᒥ 틀림 ᒧ

    I see no reason why it should be a big deal. Nothing wrong with it...I keep it from my homophobic family caise theres no reasoning with crazy

    ᒥ 틀림 ᒧ May 29, 2016 7:36 am
    I see no reason why it should be a big deal. Nothing wrong with it...I keep it from my homophobic family caise theres no reasoning with crazy KikiBee

    It isn't xD.... And yeah, true that :/