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Does this happen

A haha... May 18, 2021 1:43 am

Are there any stories that were so good you debated buying them or wished you could buy them legally to support the author?

    Enuj May 18, 2021 1:59 am

    Most things I regularly read are via public library system (where I live you only pay 1 or 2 bucks when get first library card & only ever pay after that if you have late fees, need replacement card , or use the printer/copier/faxer) so I rarely buy books. The few manga I’ve bought for myself are mainly stand alone volumes, like Cats of the Louvre. But I typically buy them before I’ve read them, like, I sorta flip through them & read the back and occasionally one will speak to me.

    um- May 18, 2021 7:51 pm

    so many, but sadly im broke, or idk where to buy/read them legally