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CURIOUS CAT May 18, 2021 8:23 am

That's it???
Heyyyyyyyy that's not fair! He didn't even confessed !
Were the author/artist on rush?
I bet the president fell for his was highligted a couple of times when he made his first delivery... that's what I'm guessing...and the president seems to be pretty FREE for hanging out him all day long...even making deliveries with him... xD
Well i suppose holding hands while sleeping together and saying "the moon is something..." was the confession and acceptance...i mean it was basically a date since they met lol with one month breakup in the middle..
And I'm happy that the red head also got someone he likes/ is liked... though I'm still mad but those things are so common in such comics that I don't feel a thing about it... I'm like yeah this is supposed to happen anyway whatever...
