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Asexual is someone whom doesn't feel the sexual connection. The fact he is unfazed by gend...

BelladonnaDeadlyNightshade May 18, 2021 10:48 am

Asexual is someone whom doesn't feel the sexual connection. The fact he is unfazed by gender goes with this. We haven't seen him shy away from sexual contact yet. But at the same time is it asexuality or over reactive trauma. His first experience with sexuality was caught by his brother whom mocked it and then his brother just flaunted his sexuality all over the place. So the whole asexual vs trauma is a issue here.
Though I wonder if he will be paired with his brother's boyfriend due to their chemistry?

Oh, I see people confused about asexual. Asexual is someone whom has little or no sexual interest. They can have relationships. They tend not to care about gender and their relationships are more based on everything else but the bedroom. Yet they can and will have sex for different reasons with their desired partner. While Aromantic is the one who doesn't fall in love. These two are often confused. And truthfully seems the manga has them a little mixed up too.

    Cassie May 18, 2021 2:38 pm

    There are definite sign of him being asexual, but I was also leaning towards him being aromantic as well because a big part of it is him not liking love, having never fallen in love, not understanding the concept of it, etc...

    MOI? May 18, 2021 3:38 pm
    There are definite sign of him being asexual, but I was also leaning towards him being aromantic as well because a big part of it is him not liking love, having never fallen in love, not understanding the conce... Cassie

    you can understand love without experiencing it yourself. less ppl are prioritizing love for many reasons, like having to share your space and time with someone might be too draining for some vs having a casual relationship which gives you wiggle room and doesnt suffocate you... i think more than love it has more to do with chemistry -i guess you'll know when you find someone pleasant enough to annoy you less lol