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I'm gonna be honest, I like the story, its funny and the art style is sooo gooood, I like ...

Senea~ah May 19, 2021 4:25 am

I'm gonna be honest, I like the story, its funny and the art style is sooo gooood, I like how the female lead is not all smiles and rainbow. I think she's the first ever character I encountered that is very realistic haha, i mean I'll also be as pessimistic as her if I was told such a scary prophecy hahah.

The thing I don't like though is the misunderstandings ghaddd, I know it's only little details and not really crucial to the story but I'm such a detail oriented person, probably a little bit ocd haha but I just hate it if it's not addressed properly ughh. Even though they're small, they're many and they're cumulating sooo I hope all of it can be address at the end of the series
