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Guys, please don't leave your dogs... I mean Ao & Kaga in the cage somewhere and then ...

chic June 1, 2016 1:01 am

Guys, please don't leave your dogs... I mean Ao & Kaga in the cage somewhere and then you forget them.

    Anonymous November 1, 2016 7:33 pm

    They weren't actually forgotten; they were fed plenty of food. But they were ignored and just left in that cage all the time, which is almost as sad.

    Animals need mental stimulation just like people do, and pets need love. To get a pet just to keep it locked up in a concrete area is cruel. I actually had a neighbor who did almost this very thing: they changed their back yard so that it no longer has any lawn and only sidewalks and stone/succulent gardens. They keep getting dogs that inevitably bark all the time whenever someone comes outside (even next door), and of course they dig under the fence to get into our yard too. I really want to call the SPCA on them, but I doubt they could do anything because they aren't actually abusing the animals; and even if the dogs were confiscated from them, nothing would stop them from getting new ones. *Sigh…* At least they sometimes let the dogs into the house when they get really agitated, and I have also seen them take them for walks once in a while, so they're not as bad as the humans in this dj.