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I want to punch that teacher. First of all, he doesn't like that kid he's just caught up...

lenalena June 1, 2016 8:00 pm

I want to punch that teacher.

First of all, he doesn't like that kid he's just caught up on his first love still and is a horny virgin. Jesus. And that other teacher was saying such rude, cruel things to that girl, and what did he do? After way too long of being silent, he said he called her there. Jesus. Why would you? I'm surprised they didn't fire him. He's such an idiot. And why didn't he tell Sugimoto that he doesn't like that female teacher? He just stood there silently looking like an idiot.

Why is he after this kid he knows NOTHING about instead of trying to reconnect with his first love? Good fuck, he needs some sense slapped into him.

    akuma_river June 1, 2016 10:07 pm

    I agree and disagree.

    Yes, he's still in love with Su-chan. But I don't think he's just caught up on his first love. A crush is a crush and he's not really pursuing it. He's more confused about his own feelings than anything.

    As for that story. It's Japan...hell in the U.S. (which has gay rights & marriage equality) you can STILL be fired for being gay. So it's not like he can say 'no there was nothing going with me and her, I'm gay.' And they couldn't say what they were doing. So he made up the story about confessing to her because he didn't want her to get the blame and be accused of being a slut. Because that was what was happening. She could get in real trouble and rumors about what happened could spread and she could be bullied for it. This way, it's all washed under the rug and no one will talk about it.

    As for why he didn't tell Sugimoto that he doesn't like the female teacher it's for the same reason he just didn't tell the other teachers he's gay. He could be ostracized or even fired. Not to mention Sugimoto seems to hate him. Or is at least looking at him in a jealous rivalry manner.

    I, too, want him to reconnect with his first love. But it's been about 10 years. He could be in a relationship. Married with kids. Who knows. It doesn't seem that they kept in contact after school so everything fell apart without confessing.

    Mostly, this story seems to be about unrequited love and how when you feel it you should confess otherwise you spend years in unrequited love stuck and unable to move on. Because you don't know what would have happened if you did confess maybe you could have your heart broken...but maybe you could've been happy too. But by not doing anything it leaves only trauma and deeper heartache.

    lenalena June 2, 2016 1:35 am
    I agree and disagree.Yes, he's still in love with Su-chan. But I don't think he's just caught up on his first love. A crush is a crush and he's not really pursuing it. He's more confused about his own feelings ... akuma_river

    Thanks for sharing your opinion.

    I think that him saying, “I heard a student left something behind, so I went to check. I don't know why she was in there but I must have startled her” would be mostly honest and put an end to her being accused of being a slut. Because the only reason she was being verbally harassed is because she was assumed to have a relationship with the teacher. With this sort of honest explanation, he doesn't risk looking like an immoral teacher going after a student.

    Saying, “I don't like that teacher. We just are regular coworkers,” is honest and might convince Sugimoto. If it doesn't, well, at least he tried.

    And we don't know what happened to his old friend. He might be married with kids. But that's just it. He doesn't know. He doesn't even try to find out. If we had found out he was married or whatever, then our main character started fawning over the student, I'd be less irritated.

    I just really can't stand it when characters let misunderstandings happen because they are too spineless to speak up. It's a common characteristic in shoujo heroines. Here it may be to create humor and make us feel bad for him, but it still annoys me.

    Layla June 2, 2016 2:30 am

    I wouldn't go so far as to say I want to punch him, but I agree that a lot of his actions are irrational--especially his explanation for the misunderstanding concerning the glasses girl.

    doki-doki June 2, 2016 5:31 am
    Thanks for sharing your opinion. I think that him saying, “I heard a student left something behind, so I went to check. I don't know why she was in there but I must have startled her” would be mostly honest... lenalena

    i think it's omi sensei personality. he is like coward who hide, not brave enough to say what he think and what he feel and also when he put into unexpectable occurance it's possible make he lost his way of thinking. well this what i get from omi sensei. and also why he is not try to find old su, i think it's because his personality as well. didn't author tell that omi sensei just wanna watch su?
    i don't think omi sensei wanna confess or something to new su.

    akuma_river June 3, 2016 7:27 am
    Thanks for sharing your opinion. I think that him saying, “I heard a student left something behind, so I went to check. I don't know why she was in there but I must have startled her” would be mostly honest... lenalena

    Agreed. On all accounts. It's fucking frustrating.

    I think Omi takes misunderstandings to higher levels. He panics, makes things worse (but actually thinks he's doing the right thing), and continues to be a complete coward unhappy in life.

    I think his spastic attitude is part of the reason why the series is called Omi-sensei's fever.

    I don't think this is being playing up for humor or to make us feel bad for him but to tell the story of unrequited love and continued unhappiness due to being afraid of confessing love to someone in fear of rejection. That you have to make the move. You have know the answer in order to move on and find happiness of your own.

    We have had this paralleled 3 times now. Omi for Su-chan, the girl for the Sugimoto, and Sugimoto for the teacher (except he is making his move). And now the teacher for Omi (possibly).

    Anonymous March 1, 2020 11:42 am
    Agreed. On all accounts. It's fucking frustrating. I think Omi takes misunderstandings to higher levels. He panics, makes things worse (but actually thinks he's doing the right thing), and continues to be a com... akuma_river

    Yeah, this manga's attempt at "humor" has REALLY backfired.