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Didn't like it, I'm in my 20's and i'd probably only recommend this to timid shy preteen g...

Sighs December 19, 2012 12:55 pm

Didn't like it, I'm in my 20's and i'd probably only recommend this to timid shy preteen girls. Its not bad, but sort of typical in a story with a strong female lead. The first chapter where the prince pulls out a knife cut cut the woman's hair, honestly who does that?! Then when the lead chara holds the knife and says wrong, and cuts off the button instead. That's ALSO incorrect ya dumb dumbs, just patiently take the time to untangle the hair from the button, not that difficult. I swear the situations authors create to make a female character seem courageous, its hilariously over dramatic. Also in the first couple pages where she has a full ice cream, then it melts, why didnt she just eat the damn thing. Seriously.

    mimi March 1, 2013 5:49 am

    dont most manga have the same setting if u dont like this then u dont like any other manga so dont read any then cuz it just makes u seem stupid when you try to relate manga to real life like if she had take the time to untangle the hair heis gonna fall in love with her like that that just seem more cheesy.

    mimi March 6, 2013 8:43 am

    also about the ice cream thing her dad told her to wait for him so she waiting and its also a hot day she may be eating the ice cream but iys just melting faster its a manga its trying to look more dramatic that way its not like real life where she shove the whole thing into her mouth!

    Desiree June 28, 2013 5:18 am

    I think you misunderstood about the psychological problems she had as a child. just because you're the age of 20 does not make you into full blown adult. the problem of the ice cream is that she was tossed by her caregiver (the old lady) to her dad, and the she was feeling is she didn't want to be alone, she was pretty much abandon, of course she will be traumatized... so judging from your comment, you had a pretty decent life. also you should know most women truly love their hair didn't want it chopped off by a random person, higher class people are arrogant, selfish please try to understand the story more, not just the romance.

    :p September 4, 2013 9:30 am
