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I wanted to like it better than I did...

Amita4ever June 1, 2016 10:35 pm

I wanted to really like it, but instead I kept getting SO frustrated. I think the girl's name should have been Yoyo rather than Ai. Seriously! I can sympathize with all the pressure and insecurity, and I'm going to blame Aki to for not opening up and talking about his concerns, but then, with the way she was acting, how could he believe she was strong enough to support him?

The final straw was London... It had been how many years? And their love had evidently even proven to be Shima proof in spite of it being long distance again! Okay, so she was too oblivious to see through Aki's facade and too dense to realize, even just logically, he was nervous, but what's with this, 'Oh, woe is me! I just want to support him... I just drag him down... I'll just dump him on the eve of his big international performance without even sharing my concerns either. After all, getting dumped by your fiancé just before performing for the world shouldn't affect his performance at all!"
Aaarrrggghhh! I never thought I'd leave a romance story saying maybe the guy SHOULD have stuck with the arranged marriage.
