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I have to say

Ice31 May 20, 2021 6:11 pm

The story itself is fascinating, it seems to have a lot of elements; Bird clan versus Snake clan... Thousand year war. Enemies from two clans had a forbidden love causing them to suffered tragedy, leaving a child behind, one whose abilities had to be sealed and hidden amongst humans. One whose destiny can very well possibly bring peace to both clans. How all fates are intertwined, the falcon boy who’s branded as a sinner for trying to save his father. His father the last to see the girl’s father alive. Her father’s blood has healing abilities, it turned the falcon boy into the key to her full awakening, supposedly turned her mother into an immortal but possibly gave up his immortality in the process. She’s held captive and experimented on by the bird clan. Snake clan on the verge of extinction thanks to the birds clans cruelty, using them as food to mystical pets, slaves and playthings thanks to their beauty. Corruption in the bird clan seem to run deep.

I’m thankful someone tried updating this.It made the concept/core of the story understood to a certain degree.
Thank you!

Unfortunately since English doesn’t appear to be their first language or something they know very well it made it difficult/painful for some readers to enjoy or fully understand

Sometimes it’s difficult to find synonyms/equivalent words/meanings when converting words. Especially if it’s new to you.

There’s so many ways to say the same thing/combine words. Sadly the order of words and words chosen change the impression it gives off entirely

Ex: (in the beginning of chapter 5 it says) Excuse Us have an important guest to visit!

You would think the people walking in said those word themselves and not the establishment itself

If something like Excuse US, an important guest is visiting or has come to visit/Make Way suddenly an important guest has arrived

The scene would feel differently and both the people and security reactions would have a bigger impact.

Ex: (Ch 9 page 4) Once upon building Lei Feng Tower... That found out a stone weighing 750 tons...

Upon building Lei Feng Tower... They found a stone weighing 750 tons or While building Lei Feng Tower... They discovered a stone weighing 750 tons

The order/structure or words can be really annoying, writing is both a beauty and pain.

Giving the perspective, thoughts and intentions of characters/sceneries the way it’s intended isn’t easy.

It’s like making a meal, with or without a recipe, ingredients, they way they are prepared, cooked and presented are important for full enjoyment.

It’s like being hungry and finding a delicious meal but while eating it, accidentally biting into multiple lemon seeds. You’re left with a bitter aftertaste and reluctance to continue eating it in spite of how good it is.

That’s readers while reading a good/possibly amazing story with confusing translations.
