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Q & A: Relationships

Heather June 3, 2016 12:23 pm

1. Would you date someone who you have nothing in common with? ( Or you don't share the same interests. Ex. He is obsessed with sports but then you don't really like sports at all)
2. Would you date someone who does not like yaoi and think that it is disgusting/not normal and he/she obviously disapproves of you reading it? (Ex. "Kissing should be for a boy and a girl! Not a boy and a boy!")
3. Would you date someone who knows nothing about anime or manga or fandoms? ( Ex. He doesn't even know what a slytherin is!)
4. Would you date someone who is high maintenace? (Ex. You have to text and see each other every single day.)

Note: Sometimes, answers may seem so stupidly obvious, but please just humor me. Most people would say no to most, if not all, the questions but the reasons may be different or there may be different takes on the situation. Some people may even answer yes. I'd like to know your opinions and reasons. :)

    Harmonia June 3, 2016 12:54 pm

    Let's see...
    1. Maybe. I like to think of myself as a pretty open minded person so I'm pretty on board with learning about new things, especially if it's something the other person loves, because it's a way to connect to one another. On the other hand I'm really bad at conversations so if we have absolutely nothing in common it's hard for me to talk to that person.

    2. Nope. You can think yaoi is gross and not like it, that's a very valid opinion to have. But I'm a grown ass (kinda) woman so I don't need anyone's approval on what I enjoy or do not enjoy. I think people should enjoy what they enjoy (as long as it's legal), have at it. Also if the person has the mentality of "Kissing should be for a boy and a girl! Not a boy and a boy!" I wouldn't be looking in their direction in the first place, bigoted asses aren't my type.

    3. Yes I would. I don’t really need them to be into/know about everything I’m into, as long as they aren’t judgmental we’re good. Also, I’ve never read or seen a lot of famous books and movies, including Harry Potter, so I’m not one to judge either.

    4. I don’t like to text, and I’m pretty sure I would be annoyed if someone was up my ass 24/7 so I’m going to go with no.

    Cricri June 3, 2016 1:04 pm

    1. Yes, I think I would. You may find something in common later on, or you may start liking something you didn't know about (or the other way around).

    2. NOPE. If he hates yaoi to the point of saying something like that, that means he is homophoboic, and it's out of the question (my sister being a lesbian and all, I'm veeeery sensitive to this topic).

    3. Yes, it's kind of like the first question. I will make him discover a brand new world !

    4. No, I couldn't.

    ❀Kαηαdє June 3, 2016 1:34 pm

    1.Yes.It maybe help me to learn new things.If it is also help me to know more about him,why not?After all I'm so easy to get influenced. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    2.No way in hell.That would make us break up.I love yaoi and he hates yaoi,it just like sky and earth.But if he can accept the gayness,maybe I change my mind.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    3.Yes.It's not like only anime that I into.Maybe we have same interest like movies,books(recently I read books,don't know why,just read it xD) and other else.Furthermore,a person like that is easy to dragged into anime (=・ω・=)

    4.Maybe.I'm easy to get bored soooooo it's okeh.But if it so annoying I will say NO.It's not like I can text with him everyday,I have my own business too. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Anonymous June 3, 2016 2:30 pm

    Hey hey I scrolled and scrolled and saw your questions
    uhh lemme take a look...
    1. Yes. Since he likes it, it won't hurt to try it out and learn something new. Maybe I might fall in love with it, so why not? You'll never know what will happen until you test it out right?(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    2. As a fellow fujoshi, no. Nooooooooooooo. You! *points at the guy* yes you! shut your bloody mouth and go away. You are not my boyfriend anymore. I get it that you're straight and all that, but I just can't accept people who judge about other couples. What are you? Their mom? It's not their fault that they fell in love with the same gender. Dude, we live in a free world, a world filled with rainbows. Don't spoil the scenery with that face of yours, get out of my sight (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    3. Yes! You know nothing about animes and mangas? It's alright, let ore-sama teach you all about it. I'll make sure he falls in love with it till the point he couldn't live with it as I drag him to the world of otakusヾ(☆▽☆)

    4. Depends on the person actually. I don't mind texting as long as he's not doing it 24/7. If it gets too annoying then no, I don't like people who are too clingy, I have my own privacy too you know! (  ̄□ ̄||)

    rottenyfg June 3, 2016 2:49 pm

    I say yes to most haha, not the 2nd one tho. I cant have my bf being disgusted at my hobby right...

    ~illoveyaoi June 3, 2016 2:53 pm

    1. Yes. You'll learn new things about that particular hobby/interest and your partner. And base on my experience, sooner or later you will like his/her hooby/interest too.

    2. you know some people just dont like it and im not going to push what i like if he doesnt want . For example i have a male friend who once see me reading yaoi and say its disgusting, for me its normal for a guy to react like that, he doesnt bully and annoy me because of yaoi. BUT if he is so disrespectful that he calls me names for reading it and make this an issue everyday.. then nope.

    3. Yes, same reason as number 1

    4. I dont mind texting everyday, but not every single minute! Some people are annoying, they want the details of your every single move. I dont like meeting everyday, i want to breath and i need space.

    Ps: sorry for my terrible english.. ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Anonymous June 3, 2016 3:34 pm

    1. Yeah I'd still date them, you learn from them, and I'm not the type of person who can only think about her hobby and interest everyday and every minute to the point of being predictable. I like to mix stuff up sometimes.

    2. Yeah they don't have to like the same stuff i like.

    3. Yeah, but he still has to have good humour.

    4. O gosh I'd try, but I'm not much of a texter, so we'd probably not last long.

    Anonymous June 3, 2016 4:10 pm

    Well, actually right now I'm dating someone that resemble type 1,2,3,4 (● ̄(エ) ̄●)