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Casedy May 21, 2021 12:06 am

Ok so I don’t really think I want to read this but I can’t find a better synopsis or any spoilers so can someone literally explain the whole story to me so far.

    Erlahrein May 21, 2021 12:27 am


    LaMarquise May 21, 2021 1:05 am

    this is divided into four seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Every season tells a different story but all the stories are linked to each other one way or another. The first season was Spring and it was about a very cute boy and girl in highschool who get entangled with each other and end up becoming a couple. the mood is innocent and wholesome. The second season is the one we are currently reading, Summer, and unlike the first story, this one is very sad and heartbreaking because it's about a boy who committed suicide back when he was a student in the same highschool.